Guidelines and Good Clinical Practice Recommendations for Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) in the Liver – Update 2012

Written on 11/05/2012

Guidelines and Good Clinical Practice Recommendations for Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) in the Liver – Update 2012

A WFUMB-EFSUMB Initiative in Cooperation With Representatives of AFSUMB, AIUM, ASUM, FLAUS and ICUS

M. Claudon [1*], C. F. Dietrich [2*], B. I. Choi [3], D. O. Cosgrove [4], M. Kudo [5], C. P. Nolsøe [6], F. Piscaglia [7], S. R. Wilson [8], R. G. Barr [9], M. C. Chammas [10], N. G. Chaubal [11], M.-H. Chen [12], D. A. Clevert [13], J. M. Correas [14], H. Ding [15], F. Forsberg [16], J. B. Fowlkes [17], R. N. Gibson [18], B. B. Goldberg [19], N. Lassau [20], E. L. S. Leen [21], R. F. Mattrey [22], F. Moriyasu [23], L. Solbiati [24], H.-P. Weskott [25], H.-X. Xu [26]


Published online: November 5, 2012
Ultraschall in Med 2012; 33: 33–59
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart ∙ New York ∙
ISSN 0172-4614


Fabio Piscaglia MD,
PhD Div. of Internal Medicine,
General and University Hospital
S. Orsola-Malpighi Via Albertoni
15 40138 Bologna, Italy
Tel.: + 39/0 51/6 36 25 42 / 68
Fax: + 39/0 51/6 36 27 25


diagnosis - metastases - hepatocellular carcinoma - focal nodular hyperplasia - hemangioma - microbubble

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