How to Perform Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) (2017)

Written on 11/29/2017

How to Perform Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) (2017)

Christoph F. Dietrich[1], Michalakis Averkiou[2], Michael Bachmann Nielsen[3], Richard G. Barr[4], Peter N. Burns[5], Fabrizio Calliada[6], Vito Cantisani[7], Byung Choi[8], Maria C. Chammas [9], Dirk-André Clevert [10], Michel Claudon [11], Jean-Michel Correas [12], Xin-Wu Cui [13], David Cosgrove [14], Mirko D'Onofrio [15], Yi Dong [16], John R. Eisenbrey [17], Teresa Fontanilla [18], Odd Helge Gilja [19], Andre Ignee [13], Christian Jenssen [20], Yuko Kono [21], Masatoshi Kudo [22], Nathalie Lassau [23], Andrej Lyshchik [17], Maria Franca Meloni [24], Fuminori Moriyasu [25], Christian Nolsøe [26], Fabio Piscaglia [27], Maija Radzina [28], Adrian Saftoiu [29], Paul S. Sidhu [30], Ioan Sporea [31], Dagmar Schreiber-Dietrich [32], Claude B. Sirlin [33], Maria Stanczak [17], Hans-Peter Weskott [34], Stephanie R. Wilson [35], Juergen Karl Willmann [36], Tae Kyoung Kim [37], Hyun-Jung Jang [37], Alexandar Vezeridis [38], Sue Westerway [39]

received 25.09.2017
revised 27.11.2017
accepted 29.11.2017


Ultrasound Int Open 2017; 3: E2–E15
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
ISSN 2199-7152


Dr. Christoph Dietrich,
MD Caritas-Krankenhaus Medizinische Klinik 2 Uhlandstr.
7 Bad Mergentheim, 97980 Germany
Tel.: + 49/7931/58 2201, Fax: + 49/7931/58 2290

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